二,我在校阶梯教室的讲台,简单的介绍了我粗糙的不再粗糙的商业计划: L''Espace XL, an association providing the young artists and crafters a place to shows their work and creativity, protecting their livelihood, intellectual properties and marketing rights.
“So it will be a non-profit organization?” Bouche皱皱眉头,问我。
我点头:“The membership for the artists will be totally free, and the association will run on the endowments and the exhibition incomes.”
“You know how many paperwork and forms you need to complete for the non profit status? And all the audit and notary things to deal with?”
“Yeah, but I want to have a try.” 我回答,的念头更是荒唐的堪比空穿梭:至少我年前初巴黎,觉艺术不足糊口的那林晰做些什。
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