
董建华写信请辞行政局议员职,港督彭定康日的回信由政府部门附了中译给报刊。原信甚体,尽见港督思;中译虽达意,毕竟苍白了一点;通篇有适的公文语,显不伦不类。代不同了,传统的书牍格式辞藻未必完全合,再写“缅兴居,极深驰系。湘省近,迭电陈,度已备邀英察”云云,似嫌迂腐。但是,港督信"I""you",译“你”“我”往,实在难。避掉堆白话,见清贵气。港督说:"Thank you for your letter of today''s date. Whealked earlier this year, I said that I hoped that you would stay on the Executive cil for as long as you felt able to do so. As you know, I have always valued and respected your advice even, indeed particularlly, when our views differed, since you always gave that advice holy, impartially and ierests of Hong Kong. But we bhat a point might e when you felt that the tensioween your appoi as Vice-chairman of the Preparatory ittee and your pla ExCo became too great. I respect your judgement that you feel that that time ha……(内容加载失败!)




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