Christopher Isherwood W H Auden 一九三八、三九年海。Jouro a War 说:海满足疲累色的行商坐贾,什有什,电动剃鬚刀,法国晚餐,缝裁佳的西装。饭店的衣香舞影,犹太经理彬彬有礼,陪客人谈欧洲的贵族生活旧日的柏林。跑马球赛国电影。澡堂妓院是艳妓娈童。鸦片烟像午茶那侍奉。气祟,的餐酒难求,威士忌杜松子酒却浮战舰。珠宝商古董商随候教,价令人错身在纽约伦敦。最,惭罪孽深重,海各教各派的教堂有(“...If you want girls or boys, you have them, at all prices, ih-houses and the brothels. If you want opium you smoke it in the best pany, served on a tray, like afternoon tea. Good wine is difficult in this climate, but there is whisky and gin to float a fleet of battleships. The jeweller and the antique dealer await your orders, and their charges will make you imagine yourself ba Fifth Avenue or in Bond Street. Finally, if you ever repent, there are churches and chapels of all denom……(内容加载失败!)
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