What a lovely surprise to receive your letter; , , trolled-unlike my own, but like those from my dear friends.... I''m delighted that you now seem to have found your feet. You should have a much more iing time and lead a much mratifyien London than in Hong Kong.... The day has e, at long last.... I miss my soul-mates like you and all the others who''ve upped and gone. Peter is an iing bloke. I haven''t seen him for 6 months and I hear he''s disillusioned. I''m not sure he quite knows what he wants....
Yes. The day has e, at long last,在你最爱吃的荔枝市的节。的日子,我突觉我不应该再给你写英文信了,虽你是英国人。十几二十年前在北京台湾住了那久,你中国的认识,你的中文造诣,你绝明白我的情。明就是政权移的日子了,我跟随中国的说法,叫“回归”。你中文的年代不兴词。你声国语念两字,温馨很,不是吗?我很喜欢两字,跟你英文的home-ing一那soul-inspiring。是一阵子所有的人在两字,像月亮……(内容加载失败!)
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