我真一夜致博,问了几书店有吴霭仪说的那本妙书:How To Bee Ridiculously Well Read in One Evening。问,说不必买了,找给我。今果送了。薄薄一本企鹅,一九八五年初版,编者E O Parrott一九九零年六十六岁就世了。视力衰退,辞教职,专写,编撰几本很俏皮的妙书:How to Bee Absurdly Well Informed About The Famous And The Infamous;How to be Tremendously Tuned In to Opera;How to be Well Versed iry。他的《前言》一就说博览群书,梦寐求(“To be well-read is surely highly desirable”),生有涯,书无穷,总不放弃电视节目放弃酒馆啤酒死啃名着。他说年散文蓝姆早就简化名着的绝招,编写《莎士比亚故集》(Tales from Shakespeare),人於是纷纷续貂,有的狗尾,有的貂尾,弄,明明是正襟危坐的品,兴羼入非非了(“It is now the fashion to seek for sexual meanings and praphidertones even in passages where almost certainly the author intended nothing of the kind”)。
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